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Q: Why was the flatheads the Blackfoot tribe enemies?
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What enemies did the Blackfoot Indians have?

If you mean enemies, the Blackfoot tribes (Blood, Blackfoot, Piegan and their allies the Atsina and Sarcee) fought almost continual war against the Crows, the Shoshone, the Cree, the Flatheads (Interior Salish) the Kutenai, the Assiniboin, the Pend d'Oreilles and against white explorers, trappers, mountain men and traders.

Which tribe won against the Paiute tribe the Blackfoot or the Paiute?

The blackfoot tribe won.The blackfoot tribe won because the paiute tribe had bad hunting skills and food skills.

What Indian tribe is the meanest?

blackfoot are known to be the most aggressive

What tribe was named for the color of their moccasins?

The Blackfoot Indian tribe .

What did the blackfoot natives live in?

Blackfoot tribe lived very decorative tipi's.

Who were the Indian tribe?

Blackfoot And Apache

How do you apply for Indian money from blackfoot Indian tribe?

I would like to apply for Indian money from Blackfoot Indian tribe. How do I apply?

Was the blackfoot Indian tribe affected by other tribes?

The Blackfoot tribes (Blood, Piegan and Blackfoot), along with their allies the Atsena and Sarci, waged constant warfare on the Crows of southern Montana; they fought pitched battles against the plains Cree; they fought continually against the Shoshone; they fought the Kutenai and Flatheads for being allies of the Shoshone; they fought the Assiniboin to the east; in between they found time to fight white mountain men, trappers and settlers.

Is Blackfoot a type of aboriginal boat?

The Blackfeet are members of the Blackfoot American aboriginal tribe.

Do the Blackfoot tribe have a political system?

yes they do

What do the tribe blackfoot do?

they hunted and gathered food

What did the Blackfoot tribe mean?

to shake it off