

Why was the hook sword invented?

Updated: 12/19/2022
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Q: Why was the hook sword invented?
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Related questions

Who invented the sword?

the ancient Islamics invented the sword

When was the sword invented?

The first sword was invented in about 3500 B.C.

Who invented the picture hook?

The picture hook was invented by Thomas Alva Edison in 1924.

Where can i find peter pan's sword from hook?

Go to Neverland, Thudbutt has it.

Where was the first sword invented?


Who invented the bronze sword?

It was actually the ancient Egyptians that invented the sword made of bronze. Soon after, however, other cultures adopted them.

What country invented the long sword?

England invented the long sword. You can tell not only by history, but by England's use of this weapon. When this sword was used, England was fighting to spread Christianity. If you turn the sword upside-down, it is a cross.

How old is the Khopesh sword from ancient Egypt?

It was invented in Sumer in the third millennium. They were first invented when the people in the army wanted a way to hook their enemies shields or disarm of them. These weapons were first made of bronze but it proved weak and in the later period the armies changed it to iron.

Who invented the sword dance?

saroj khan

Who was the inventor of fencing?

Whoever invented the sword.

Why was the metal sword invented?

to kill people

What are the weapons in the Legend of Zelda the phantom hourglass ds?

they are sword, boomerang, bombs, bow, bomchus, grappling hook, hammer, and finnaly the phantom sword.