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The Nazis thought the Allied Forces would invade at the Calais point of France. They were only partially prepared for them to land in Normandy and they certainly did not expect the force to be so large and impressive. Rommel, their commander was absent and this created chaos amongst the German soldiers. Within months the Allied Forces had been victorious in France and other places. The Generals realized the war was lost. Hitler however lived in denial.

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Q: Why was the invasion of Nomandy so important to Germany?
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What was the objective of the invasion of nomandy?

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So Germany could build up its strength. Michael Montagne

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Of course there was environmental damage and buildings were bombed and destroyed. It was a war so no one really cared at the time. To Germany, it was more important to prevent the invasion and to the Allies it was more important to make the beachhead.

Germany invades Poland so important?

The German invasion of Poland is so important because it is the official beginning of World War II. It violated the Munich Agreement, which allowed Hitler to annex Sudetenland of Czechoslovakia on the specific condition that he would not invade anywhere else. He obviously did, so the other countries declared war.

What happened in the invasion Nazi army in Germany?

Well, your question cannot be answered correctly. Because.. the Nazi army (Hitlars army) were located in Germany. So, they did not get invaded.

On what date did Australia declare war on Germany in ww2?

Australia declared war on Germany after the Invasion of Poland so September 3 1939

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The official story is: Germany invaded Belgium as part of their invasion of France at the start of the war. Belgium and Britain had been allies since the 1830's, so when Germany did so, Britain declared war on Germany.