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It helped the revolution in the 1800's to communicate faster. It helped the revolution in the 1800's to communicate faster.

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Q: Why was the invention of the light bulb and the telegraph important in the 1800's?
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Related questions

What are invention ideas?

The telephone, the telegraph, and the light bulb were all merely ideas at one time.

Why is the invention of the light bulb important?

Provides light

Why is the light bulb invention important?

because it is

Who is an inventor born in the 1800s?

One of the most famous inventor born in the 1800s was Thomas Edison. He was responsible for the invention of the light build, phonograph, and the alternating current.

What are three inventions that helped industrial growth in the 1800s?

The light bulb, telegraph, and sewing machine

What was Thomas Eddison's most important invention?

The light bulb

What is Thomas Edisons most important invention?

The Light Bulb

What was Thomas Edison most important invention?

the light bulb

How did inventions such as the light bulb and the telegraph change daily life in the late 1800s?

the telegraph enabled information to travel much faster considering the time period. the light bulb allowed people to work longer hours. both made the pathway to more technological advances that helped change the economy.

What invention delivered electricity to homes in the late 1800s?

Thomas Edison invented the incandescent light bulb and with JP Morgan they brought electricity to customers with small generators.

What is an important electrical invention?

The telephone, the refrigerator, the light bulb. The Gramme Dynamo, which was the first invention to commercially develop electricity in large, commercial quantities.

Which was the most important Victorian invention?

the light bulb. without it we would be in darkness most of the the time.