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I think because the devil is refered to as a dragon and the lamb is the exact opposite of the dragon the lamb is humble does not want power and is not greedy Jesus is all of those things and more another thing is you might not belive this i am a seventh day adventists and do but Jesus and God are the same being Jesus can be the Shepard and the lamb i do not think it is the only symblo refering to Jesus as a sin offering i have to look into it

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Q: Why was the lamb the only appropriate sin offering as a symbol of Jesus?
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No. Jesus offered himself to God as the Lamb of God when he died on the cross for our sins.

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The lamb is commonly associated with innocence, purity, and sacrifice in various cultures and religions. It symbolizes gentleness, peace, and vulnerability, often representing qualities such as meekness and humility. In Christianity, the lamb is a symbol of Jesus Christ as the sacrificial Lamb of God.

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Most likely a lamb

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The difference of meanings between the cultures are huge I think. If "obedient creature which is being fed to be consumed later" is not the answer you're looking for... Then I've just wasted this place :/

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Lamb. Jesus is the Lamb of God.