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Q: Why was the land around Jamestown a good environment for both the Powhatan and the English?
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Which Native American groups lived nearest to Jamestown colonists?

The Powhatan Confederacy lived around the Jamestown settlement.

What were the modes of transportation in Jamestown in 1607?

The Powhatan used canoes to get around and they also walked and rode horses

How did Powhatan Indians get around from place to place?

Most Powhatan Indians got around by walking or by horse

When year was Jamestown created?

Jamestown was the first permanent English colony in the New World. It was founded in Virginia in 1607 by around 100 English colonists. The ships that they came across in were the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, and the Discovery.

What type of relation ship existed between the English and Native Americans living around Jamestown?

Relationship is one word

What was the powahatans lands?

The Powhatan tribe, or Virginia Algonquians, were the natives in the Chesapeake Bay area when the English first settled Jamestown in North America. They settled along the rivers around Chesapeake Bay, e.g. James River, York River, and as far north as Potomac River. The original Powhatan tribe of Pocahontas fame is basically extinct with few members living on two reservations. Though various descendants of mixed races have claimed membership to the tribe as according to legal definition.

What were the opportunities in Jamestown?

Jamestown, jamestown, such a barbarian town, i'd sooner walk around Yongchon

How did the Jamestown Colonists get around when they got to Jamestown?

they walked. or paddled canoes

What kind of relationship existed between the English and the native Americans living around Jamestown?

unfriendly, verry simple.trades.tooth for tooth, eye for eye

How do people get around in Jamestown?

they walk

What did the Jamestown colony colonist live in?

They built simple houses in and around the fort at Jamestown, Virginia.

What activity turned around the English colony at Jamestown?

The turning point for the Jamestown, VA colony began in May of 1611. A new governor was appointed. He ordered new crops to be planted. The harvest was plentiful that year. Before that, people had been suffering from malnutrition.