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Q: Why was the man in the arena given Theodore Roosevelt?
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Dose Theodore Roosevelt box?

Theodore Roosevelt did box, particularly as a young man.

Who wrote It is not the critic who counts not the man who points out?

Theodore Roosevelt said it in a speech entitled "Citizenship in a Republic" that he gave at the Sorbonne in Paris in 1910. The famous quote is generally referred to as the "Man in the Arena" quote.

Why did Theodore Roosevelt say The only man that makes no mistake is the man who does nothing?

he meant that if you don't do anything you can't be wrong

How was Theodore Roosevelt a bad man?

He wasn't.

What man defeated Theodore Roosevelt of the us?

Woodrow Wilson defeated Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 U.S. Presidential Election.

What are Theodore Roosevelt's most famous speeches?

Some of Theodore Roosevelt's most famous speeches include his "The Man with the Muck-Rake" speech, which criticized the press for focusing on sensationalism, his "The Strenuous Life" speech, in which he advocated for embracing challenges and taking action, and his "Citizenship in a Republic" speech, commonly known as the "The Man in the Arena" speech, which emphasized the importance of participating in society and not fearing failure.

What people inspired Theodore Roosevelt to become president?

his father a good man and business man

What was the name of the man who renamed the presidents house to the white house?

Theodore Roosevelt.

Which president wanted the working man to carry a work of art?

Theodore roosevelt

Who African American did Theodore Roosevelt invite to the white house?

Theodore Roosevelt, who invited Booker T. Washington, was the first president to invite an African-American man to the White House.

Who was the most famous man in America as a result of the Spanish American War?

Theodore Roosevelt.

President Roosevelt was related to a man who had served as president of the US before him. Who was that man?

Martin Van Buren was a third cousin twice removed twice removed of Theodore Roosevelt. (Franklin Roosevelt who came later, was a more distant cousin to Theodore, )