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Q: Why was the northwest ordinance regarded as a successful aspect of the articles of confederation?
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Which statement accurately describes the relationship between the Northwest Ordinance and the Articles of Confederation?

The northwest ordinance added to the guidlines for american expansion that were introduced in the articles of confederation

What was the greatest achievement of Articles of Confederation?

The Northwest Ordinance.

What was the major accomplishment of the Articles of Confederation?

The Northwest Ordinance.

Why is the northwest ordinance of 1787 considered to be the outstanding achievement of congress under the articles of confederation?

The land ordinance of 1785 and the northwest ordinance of 1787 are considered achievements under the articles of confederation because they?

What was a successful part of the Articles of Confederation?

providing the nation with experience in self government under a written document

What was the one good thing that came from the articles of confederation?

The Northwest Ordinance

What was the accomplishment of the United States under the articles of Confederation?

Northwest Ordinance

Which American constitution was in effect when Congress passed the Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance?

Articles of Confederation

Congress's most important achievement under the Articles of Confederation was:?

the Northwest Ordinance

The Land Ordinance of 1785 and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 were the two major accomplishments under what government?

The Articles of Confederation

What ordinance was passed under the Articles of Confederation that described how territories could become states?

Northwest Ordinance of 1787

What was the Articles of Confederation strengths?

Some strengths of the AOC were they established congress, the northwest ordinance, and the land ordinance of 1785.