

Why was the northwest rebellion justified?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Why was the northwest rebellion justified?
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Are the northwest rebellion ever justified?

Well according to the pythaegoream theory, it is bcuz the Government has not mettheirneeed

What was the final battle of the Northwest Rebellion?


What was the Indians rebellion in the northwest?

they wanted to die

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No, it had a binding contract as a part of the US.

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Bacon's rebellion was justified. He thought that the government was not protecting him and everyone else from the Powhatan's and also indentured servants were not getting the land they were promised in their contract as a servant for someone for a certain amount of years.

William Henry Jackson what did he do in 1884-1885?

look up William Henry Jackson on wikipedia (make sure it in the Jackson in the Northwest Rebellion) Pretty much in 1885 there was the Northwest Rebellion and Jackson was a leader with Louis Riel in it. The Northwest Rebellion is about the Metis trying to keep their rights, land and the survival of themselves.

What happen in 1885 in Canada?

the northwest Rebellion with Louis Riel

Who led the Metis in the Red River Rebellion of 1870 and the Northwest Rebellion of 1885?

Louis Riel was the most vocal leader or spokesman, though there were other leaders in both rebellions.

What came first the North West Rebellion or the Red River Rebellion?

The Red River Rebellion occurred from the fall of 1869 to the summer of 1870. The Northwest Rebellion occurred in the spring and early summer of 1885.

What year did Riel Rebellion take place?

There were actually two uprisings led by Louis Riel in what are now Manitoba and Saskatchewan: The Red River Rebellion of 1869 and the Northwest Rebellion of 1885.

Who was the Blackfoot Chief that decided not to support the Metis during the Northwest Rebellion?

His name was Crowfoot.

What enlightened philosopher thought rebellion against government was never justified?

Baron de Montesquieu believed that rebellion against the government was never justified because it would lead to chaos and instability. He emphasized the importance of maintaining order and stability through the separation of powers and checks and balances within the government.