

Why was the preppy look so popular?

Updated: 12/16/2022
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Q: Why was the preppy look so popular?
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Why are preppy kids popular?

Because like, they act like theyre so cool and like they know or think they look good and like theyre so outgoing (sometimes) and like oh my god they love to talk and like well in other words preppy people are usually popular to other annoying preppy people. Not very often you'll see a goth kid go hey lets start hanging out with the preppy people they're so cool.

Do girl like when guy dress skater or preppy?

I personally like the preppy look:)

Is boathouse preppy?

I think so

Is DC clothing preppy?

DC clothing is primarily worn by skaters and rockers... Although a few preppy kids take a liking to it here and there. DC mocks preppy clothes for the use of the towny skater kids that want to look preppy but not entirely homosexual.

Why are preppy girls so mean?

Honestly, a true preppy girl is supposed to be nice, and not talk about others, and flash money around. To a true preppy girl, like myself, that is rude, gaudy fake, and wrong. A true preppy girl is nice everyone. So who ever answered this question first you are not a true preppy girl. Preppy girls are usually rude to girls unlike them they arnt nice and itd be a surprise to see a preppy girl who wasnt a bitch they are all usually self centerd and self absorbed

What look is best for a boy to like you?

be yourself guys will appreciate you for who you are... if you athletic dress athletic if preppy dress preppy if you goth dress goth you see the pattern?

preppy or emo?

me preppy !!

How do you host a preppy party?

act preppy

Is culver academy preppy?

Are rich white students preppy? I graduated from Culver and I assure you it is preppy

Why don't Scorpio men like tomboys and the preppy look on women?

I once read in a magazine that tomboys and the preppy look were considered "death" to them, because they like FEMININE women. Since Scorpio rules sex, it's not hard to understand that.

How do you get the preppy mean popular people to leave you alone at school?

Well what I would do is kill them with kindness! Or just laugh in their face when they bully you, so they no that they can't get to you and make you angry! I hope this answer helps! :)

Preppy clothes on Fantage?

Go to Le Shop and look for tidy clothes or dresses that are formal