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cause they weren't that smart i guess and the chinese had over four thousand symbols so it be almost impractical for them to use a printing press

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Q: Why was the printing press invented in Europe rather than China?
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Related questions

Where was the first printing press?

Germany in the 1440s. Simpler methods using block printing had been used in China, but the mechanical press was only invented later in Europe.

When was the printing block invented?

The printing block was invented in China around the 9th century during the Tang Dynasty. This early form of printing involved carving characters into wood blocks for reproduction.

What time period was printing invented?

Printing was done in ancient China, the type was set by hand. The mechanical printing press was not invented until 1436-1440.

When was woodblock printing invented?

The printing dates back to China date from 220, and from Egypt to the 4th century.

When was the printing press first used?

It was in invented in china and first used there as well.

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It was invented in Europe in the 17th century or china

Wood-block printing in china?

Well, woodblock printing wasn't actually invented there, but in china, the use and production boomed and raely gave the invention of typing started.

Which was invented first the X-ray machine or the printing machine?

The printing press was invented in around 593 AD in China, long before the X-ray machine (approx 1896). It should be noted that printing is even older than the invention of the mechanical printing press, for example evidence for woodblock printing dates from 200 AD in China. Please see the related links.

What east Asian culture that invented the printing press magnetic compass and gunpowder?

China invented •Paper •Printing press •Silk weaving •Kites •Compass •Pasta •Gunpowder •and Fireworks

What are some of the best things in Ancient China?

Ancient China built the Great Wall of China. They also invented paper, gunpowder, printing, silk, and the compass

Which province was dominoes invented?

dominoes were invented in India and from there traveled to china where they became popular and from there to europe.

What was the year when the printing press was invented?

The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the year 1440.