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Q: Why was the relationship between the US and the USSR strained?
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The US invasion of Iraq in 2003 was a recent event that strained the friendship of France and the US. This series of conflicts created mistrust between the French and American people.

What happen to the relationship between the US and US after NATO was formed?

The USSR created their WARSAW Pact to counter NATO.

What were the conflicts between the USSR and the US?

Relationship was a big conflict between both the USSR leader Stalin and the U.S leader Roosevelt. Another was Stalin's hope for Communism. He wanted this to spread but Roosevelt and Churchill didn't agree with this.

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Japan was at war in China and signed the Tripartite Pact with Germany.

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Relationship was a big conflict between both the USSR leader Stalin and the U.S leader Roosevelt. Another was Stalin's hope for Communism. He wanted this to spread but Roosevelt and Churchill didn't agree with this.

How and why did France relationship with US change after world war 2?

The French had a leftist - Communist political view after WW2 which strained US relations

Why did the US and France have a strained relationship in 2003?

There was some antipathy between France and the United States in 2003 over the Iraq War, which French government believed to be unwarranted. However, to say that the relationship was "strained" is an exaggeration. Neither the US nor France took any diplomatic, economic, or political measures against one another as a result of this disagreement.

Diplomatic hostility between US and USSR?

Cold War

What was the name of the war between the US and the USSR?

the cold war