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Q: Why was the route in the north very hard to travel on the Cherokees?
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You need to give a time frame for this question. When?

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It was hard and lots os work, because you had to be casreful about woh yo utraded things with.

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No direct route through North America to Asia. Never has been one no matter how hard people wanted one or looked for it.

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Its hard to answer but not very far. just go as north as u can

How did many of the early Native Americans find their way to North America?

This is ONE OF THE BIGGEST LIES ABOUT NATIVE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cherokees are documented on the Mayan Pyramids of the Pacific Coast in Mexico in 1000 B.C. and that is when they came to the North America, yet Cherokees are originally from an island off of the Pacific Coast of South America near where the Incas used to live. I think that people are reaching way to hard into the fictional when using this question as a fact about Native Americans. I have a question for you....When did white christians migrate from Asia?

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Because it was very long and dangerous. Most traders only went some of the way and traded with other caravans to make a "chain".

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Would be hard to travel in a cramped car because it is uncomfortable

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first it will be in burned tower in the basement then north of cainwood city then right outside of mt. morter in route 42 then it will leave johto and go 2 kanto there u will find it in vermillion city in the water beside digletts cave Which is very hard to find appearently .Then route 14 by the --- .Then route 25 by the---.

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Travel was hard overland.

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You can get the Hard Stone from Arthur, who is located on Route 36 on Thursdays.

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