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i won't pretend I'm an expert at this, but i believe the silk road spread over many miles and the plague spread through those in trade to those in villages and so on. therefore making it somewhat like a wildfire

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Q: Why was the silk road so significant in spreading the plague?
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What diseases were tranported on the silk road?

bubonic plague

What traveled along the silk road to Europe in 1354 How did it arrive?

The Black Plague traveled along the Silk Road in 1354 and arrived because of a ship carrying those who had the plague and were dying from it.

How did the plague get here?

black death Plague was spread via silk road. Mongol armies also spread it.

What is the role of trade in transmitting the plague?

The plague was spread by fleas on rats. Rats boarded trade ships in the East and jumped off at various harbors around Europe, spreading the plague wherever they landed.

Does China have the plague?

Yes, some parts of China were affected but not as much as Europe.

Did the silk roads bring disease?

The silk road didn't cause disease to occur but it did greatly contribute to its spread most famously with the black plague.

How how did the plague reach Sicily?

black death originated in china. It spread via silk road and reached there.

What trade route did the plague start on?

black death started in China. Than spread via silk road.

What are some theories regarding the origins of the plague?

popular once are these. Originated in china and spread via silk road.

Hinduism and Buddhism spread along what routes?

I think you mean the Silk Road, a trading route and pathway for cultural transmission that extended from China all the way to Egypt and into Europe.

Was the silk road covered with silk?

no, the silk road was NOT covered with silk The "Silk Road" was the "road" which silk traveled from Asia to Europe.

What are three things that were traded on the silk road?

Silk, spices, and precious metals were traded along the silk road. However the most important things, in regards to impact on world history to be traded along the silk road were religions, best example is Buddhism. The movement of technology e.g. paper making or gun powder. and arguably diseases such as the Bubonic plague.