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Q: Why was the south divide into 5 military districts during reconstruction.?
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Dividing the south into military districts during Reconstruction caused what?

Establishment of Military Districts in the South

What congressional action designed to limit the power of southern state governments also divided the South into five districts during Reconstruction?

Military Reconstruction Act

What were southern military leaders not allowed to do during reconstruction?

Southern military leaders weren't allowed to hold office during reconstruction.

Who was appointed as the first military governor of Mississippi during the reconstruction period?

Edward Ord was appointed as the first military governor of Mississippi during the reconstruction period

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Who ruled over louisiana and texas during reconstruction?

A military Governor.

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Who controlled the south during congressional reconstruction?

The Presidential opposition and Southern States resistance to the Fourteenth Amendment and to Reconstruction so outraged the Congress that in March 1867 it passed a Reconstruction Act that imposed its desired version on the South by means of a diktat. Therefore all former Confederate States but one (Tennessee had been readmitted in 1866 to the Union), were grouped into five military districts, each ruled by a military governor in order to push forward the Reconstruction program according to the Congress wishes and check the progress done.

Name the five military districts established in 1867 during reconstruction after the US Civil War.?

1. Virginia 2. North and South Carolina 3. Alabama, Georgia, Florida 4. Arkansas, Mississippi 5. Texas, Louisiana I APPROVE!

Who was the military leader in Japan during the reconstruction period?

US GEN Douglas MacArthur.

Why were former confederates unable to vote during military Reconstruction?

they were unable to take an oath that they had been loyal to the union

Who was the military governor of Georgia during the second part of reconstruction?

Joseph E. Brown