

Why was the star 'Mira' called That?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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As Mira is the brightest periodic variable that is not visible to the naked eye for part of its cycle, when Johannes Hevelius observed it, he named it "Mira" (meaning "wonderful" or "astonishing," in Latin) because it acted like no other known star.

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Mira is a binary star system, consisting of a red giant Mira A of spectral class M7 (Red) and a smaller main sequence star, Mira B, which falls into the slightly hotter stellar classification of K (Orange). The two stars are thought to be separated by around 100AU.

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A remarkable variable star in the constellation Cetus (/ Ceti).

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their both red stars and are about 3,000 Celsius in temperature.

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I've found one estimate of the absolute magnitude of Mira: 0.93. However, Mira is a variable star, so perhaps that's an average value. Also, the distance to Mira is not known precisely, so any value for absolute magnitude can only be approximate.

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There is no continent called Mira-mar. It seems like a fictional or misheard name. Can you provide more context or details?

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Is mira mira a spanish person?

No, "mira mira" is not a Spanish person. "Mira mira" is actually a commonly used Spanish phrase that means "look look." It is often used to get someone's attention or to highlight something noteworthy.