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The Tollund Man was preserved due to being buried in a peat bog, which created an environment lacking oxygen and with high acidity that prevented decay. The unique conditions of the bog helped preserve the body remarkably well for over 2,000 years.

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Q: Why was the tollund man preserved?
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Where did Tollund Man live?

Tollund Man lived in Denmark during the 4th century BC. His incredibly well-preserved body was found in a peat bog in the town of Tollund in Jutland, Denmark.

What is the tollund mans real name?

The Tollund Man is not given a specific name, as he is known by his discovery site in Tollund, Denmark. He is believed to have lived during the Iron Age and is one of the best-preserved examples of a bog body.

Why was the Tollund Man copse so well preserved in the bog?

Because the chemicals in the bog acted as sort of a preservative.

Why was he called the tollund man?

The Tollund Man was found in Tollund Bog in Denmark. That's why he is referred to as the Tollund Man.

What country did the tollund man live in?

How did the tollund man live?

Why was the tollund man called tollund man?

The Tollund Man was named after the area where his well-preserved body was found, near the village of Tollund in Denmark.

Did the tollund man have any children?

There is no evidence to suggest that the Tollund Man had children. He lived during the Iron Age and was found preserved in a peat bog in Denmark, where he likely met a sacrificial death. His well-preserved body has provided valuable insights into life during that time period.

Was The Tollund Man married?

There is no conceivable way to know, since he died in the 4th century BC and none of his personal effects were found preserved in the bog from which he was exhumed.

What was tollund man wearing?

The Tollund man was wearing 4 things 1. a skin cap 2.a rope noose 3. a iron chain 4. smooth hind belt

How old is tollund man?

The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived around 2,400 years ago, during the Iron Age. He was found in a peat bog in Denmark in 1950 and is believed to have been around 30-40 years old when he died.

How old is the tollund man?

The Tollund Man is estimated to have lived over 2,300 years ago during the Iron Age, around 400-200 BCE.

When did Tollund Man live?

The Tollund Man (died c. 405–380 BC) is a naturally mummified corpse of a man who lived during the 5th century BC, during the period characterised in Scandinavia as the Pre-Roman Iron Age. He was found in 1950, preserved as a bog body, near Silkeborg on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark.