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Q: Why was there a debate between the federal and state governments over the funding of transportation improvements?
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What internal improvements were being made in New York State government in the early 19th century?

By State governments, federal governments, and private enterprise.

Which levels of government provide public transportation services?

local, state, and federal governments

The relationship between federal and state governments is affected by?

The relationship between federal and state governments is dynamic and is affected by the policies of the president and of Congress

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federal and state governments.

What kind of governments divides the power between the states and national governments?


How does the principle of federalism affect the US government?

By dividing some responsibilities between the federal and state governments

What is the division of power between national governments?

Federal System

Shared by the state and federal governments?

There are some powers, known as concurrent powers, that are shared between state and federal governments. For example, both governments can collect taxes and enact laws.

What is the primary differences between a federal government and a confederation?

in a federal government, the power is divided between the central and local governments.

What is the difference between a confederation government and a Federal government?

in a federal government, the power is divided between the central and local governments.

Who regulates the Highway transportation system?

Federal, State, And Local Governments work together to regulate the highway transportation system. For example, Federal law established a maximum speed limit of 55 mph on all US roadways in 1974.

How did the state rights affect the Civil War?

the balance of power between federal and states governments was unchange.