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Q: Why was there a division in Europe at the end of world war 2?
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What symbolized the division between Western and Eastern Europe after World War 2?

the iron curtain

The area of Europe the Soviets controlled at the end of World War 2?

All of Eastern Europe.

What Europe found itself in at the end of World War 2?


What war was said at the time to be the war to end all wars?

World War I World War I was fought mainly in Europe from 1914-18 .

What did the winners get in World War 2 in Europe?

They put an end to German nationalist attempts to conquer Europe.

How did World War 2 affect Europe in the long run?

Death, destruction, moving of borders, division of Germany, the start of the Cold War.

What Date did World War 2 end in Europe for the US?

world war 2 ended in 2 September 1945.

Which countries controlled Eastern Europe at the end of World War 2?


How did northern Europe contribute to the end of World War 2?

they just did:p

What states end the world war 2?

Im Pretty Sure It Was Europe

What month did World War 2 end?

ended in Europe in late April early may 1945 in Europe. world war 2 in Asia ended in august 1945.

What was the state of Europe by the end of 1918?

This was the end of World War I. Europe was devastated by the war and left in ruins. The economy went downhill and political boundaries changed, such as the deformation of Austria-Hungary.