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The Vietnam War had increased the federal deficit.

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Q: Why was there growing inflation during the Nixon administration?
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Which president declared controls on wages and prices to halt the inflation that was wracking the U.S. economy?

Richard Nixon

The continued rise in the cost of goods due to the decrease in purchasing power of the dollar This problem was a key issue throughout several administrations including Nixon Ford Carter and Reaga?


What was the inflation rate under Jimmy Carter?

Despite a sluggish economy, inflation reached as high as 14.8%, and interest rates reached as high as 18% during the period 1977-1981. By 1985-1990, this contributed to the failure of Savings and Loan associations which had many bad loans, especially in real estate. Of course, Carter had inherited the general inflationary trend from the Nixon and Ford adminstrations, which saw the beginnings of double-digit levels. President Ford had instituted the generally-ineffective program called WIN (Whip Inflation Now) in October, 1974. However, by November of 1976 the rate had subsided to 4.9% and was 5.2% when Carter took office. Continuous rises brought it to 14.8% in March, 1980, and 11.8% when Carter left office. Since 1982, general inflation has been suppressed below 6.5% and at times has been much lower. (see related link)

How did Ford and Carter try to fix economic problems and why didn't their plans work?

Gerald Ford was only President for two years to took over after President Nixon resigned as President on August 9, 1974 until January 1977. He also was only Vice President from 1973 to August 1974 after Spiro Agnew resigned. He faced the OPEC Oil embargo of 1974, which quickly raised the price of oil, gasoline, diesel, and home heating oil. He also was hit with 10% inflation due partly from the removal of the Gold Standard by the Nixon administration in 1971. This removal allowed the private bank known as the Federal Reserve to be able to print as much "paper" money as it deemed necessary, which caused (and causes) inflation (for more on this, see the "Weimar Republic"). He had little time to control the situation; his big speech in October was based on his initiative "Whip Inflation Now." This initiative was to have people grow more food and drive less to try to stop the trend of increasing prices. Another perspective: Jimmy Carter took office as President in January 1977 after defeating President Ford 297 to 241 electoral votes. He was still fighting with oil prices, and his plan was to raise taxes on top income earners to 70%. This caused massive job losses and more inflation. In 1980, inflation was over 20%. Then he had to deal with American ships being pirated and, in 1979, the Iranian Revolution in which Americans were held hostage. He canceled his speech to Congress in March 1980 and later did a speech from the East Room to explain that his $15.8 billion deficit budget "was already obsolete" in only seven weeks. His campaign promises of federal fiscal responsibility were quickly gone.

Which best describes the state of American economy in 1960?

In 1960: Eisenhower was President. Nixon was VP. The US population was 180,671,158. The life expectancy was 69.7 years. The Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a high of 685 and a low of 566. The federal spending was $92.19 billion. And the federal debt was $290.5 billion. Inflation was at 1.4%. the Consumer Price Index was 29.6. Unemployment was 5.5% A new home cost $16,500. A first-class stamp cost $0.04. A gallon of gas was $0.31. A dozen eggs were $0.57. A gallon of milk was $0.49

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