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A tsunami is only created when an earthquake or giant land slide occurs under the sea. The Christchurch earthquake happened at an inland site away from the ocean.

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Q: Why was there no tsunamis in the Christchurch earthquake?
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Why weren't there any tsunamis in the Christchurch earthquakes?

because the earthquake wasn't strong enough for a tsunami to occur :)

Why weren't there any tsunamis in the christchurch earthquake?

because the earthqauke wasnt out at sea and in that case didnt create any sea floor movement

How powerful was the Christchurch earthquake?

The Christchurch earthquake was a magnitude of 6.3

Why tsunamis do not occur after earthquake?

Aftershocks are the results of the Pressure Plates being unstable, and are still adjusting or moving. The earthquake from September 4, 2010 in Christchurch will be having aftershocks for about 1 and a half more years.

Will Christchurch have another earthquake?

It's very possible that Christchurch could have another earthquake. However, the possibility is low, as Christchurch had no major earthquake before the earthquake in 2010.

What date was the christchurch earthquake?

The date of the Christchurch Earthquake was September 4, 2010. The earthquake hit at 4:35am.

How many buildins collapsed in the christchurch earthquake?

There are excellent articles on both the Canterbury earthquake and the Christchurch earthquake in wikipedia.

What got destroyed in the christchurch earthquake?

the Christchurch cathedral

What is the effect of the earthquake?

They cause tsunamis

What places got destroyed in the christchurch earthquake?

the Christchurch cathedral

What effect did the Christchurch earthquake have on the cathedral?

The Christchurch cathedral was toppled over and demolished from the earthquake on Feb 22, 2011. This earthquake did major destruction.

What was the earthquake in Christchurch?
