

Why water evaporates on a hot day quicker than a cold day?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The rate of evaporation depends on the temperature.

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Q: Why water evaporates on a hot day quicker than a cold day?
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Why water evaporates quicker on a hot day than a cold day?

Hot water need less energy to be evaporated than cold water.

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The warmer water is, the more quickly it evaporates.

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This depends on whether you mean evaporates due to heat or its volatility. if you mean due to heat, then obviously water, as the forces holding the molecules together are much stronger in hydrocarbons compared to standard water molecules.

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Yes, because when water evaporates it is usually warm when the sun is up and shining - so warm water evaporates more quickly than cold water because it is warm.

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no Yes it does because the molecules are looser and pack together to form a solid quicker in freezing temperatures than cold water. Confusing ain't it? But it is true. Ask a nerd.

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Raisins plump up more quickly in hot water because the molecules in hot water move quicker than molecules in cold water so the hot water molecules diffuse quicker into the raisin.