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For preparation of standard solution of Mohr salt {FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O}, it's necessary to add dilute H2SO4 to prevent the Fe2+ ions of Mohr salt solution from undergoing oxidation (to Fe3+).

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Q: Why we add conc sulphuric acid in mohr salt in the titration of mohr salt against potassium dichromate?
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What indicator in titration of sodium carbonate solution against hydrochloric acid would give a complete neutralization?

Litmus paper

What are the uses of the isotopes uranium 238 or potassium 40?

Uranium 238 (depleted uranium) uses: - fertil isotope in some types of nuclear reactors - shield against nuclear radiation - counterweight - material for armors and projectiles - catalyst - additive for glass and ceramics (to obtain beautiful green or yellow colors) - toner in photography - mordant for textiles - additive for the preparation of biological samples for electron microscopy - other minor uses Applications of potassium-40: - minerals dating by the potassium-argon method - radiometric analysis of samples containing potassium

What is the procedure for determining the percentage purity of amino acid sample by sorenson formol titration method?

prepare about 1 to 1.5% solution of amino acid in 100 ml volumetric flask take 10 ml of the sample (amino acid) solution into 250 ml conical flask add phenophtalien indicator and titrate it against 0.1N standard NaOH when pink color appear stop the titration and add formalin untill the pink color disappear again titarte it with standard NaOH till the pink color reappear.

How does the sodium and potassium pump act to maintain the resting membrane potential?

Primary active transport is the process in which ions are moved across cell membranes against the electrochemical gradient using energy supplied directly be ATP. The action of the sodium-potassium pump is an important example of primary active transport.Secondary active transport is indirectly driven by primary transport. In the sodium-potassium pump, by pumping against the gradient, energy is stored in the ion gradient. Then, just as water pumped uphill can do the work as it flows back down, (think water wheel or turbine), a substance pumped across the membrane can do work as it leaks back, propelled downhill along the concentration gradient.

What process uses proteins to move molecules against a concentration gradient?

There are two processes, Exokineses and Endokineses. just to make sure, go to Then type in these scientific names and see if they're right. TY

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Yes. Phenolphthalein can be used as an indicator for the titration of a weak acid (oxalic acid) against strong base (sodium hydroxide).

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From orange to (yellowish) green: It is a powerfull oxidant, used to titrate Fe2+ from Mohr's salt to the oxidised form Fe3+ by the following: Cr2O72−(aq) + 14H+ + 6e− → 2Cr3+(aq) + 7H2O

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yes it is

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HCl, hydrochloric acid, is the primary standard used to titrate against potassium hydroxide.

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vodka cruisers, the raspberry one.

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Litmus paper