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Q: Why we celebrate valentence day on Febravary 14?
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Why is this day valentine celebrate?

14 february

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What is the best time of the day to celebrate Pi Day?

at 3:14 in the morning or afternoon on March 14.

When is valentind day?

The world celebrate February 14 as the world's hearts day or Valentines day.

Why do we celebrate Pi Day and Einstein's birthday on the same day?

Pi day is March 14, or 3/14 because Pi starts 3.14.... We celebrate peoples birthday on the day they were born. Einstein was born on March 14th so we celebrate his, and everyone else who was born on March 14th, on Pi day.

When do Spaniards celebrate Valentine's Day?

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 in Spain.

When do they celebrate Valentine's Day in Chile?

Valentine's Day is celebrated on February 14 in Chile.

When does Spain celebrate Valentine's Day?

Spain celebrates Valentine's Day on February 14.

Do Catholics celebrate Valentine's Day?

Yes, they do celebrate Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day actually started from a man named St. Valentine, who was martyred on February 14. This day became his feast day.

Which day you celebrate as pie day?

It's March 14...the date is 3/14 get it? 3.14(15926535879232) It's gonna be really cool in 2015!

When is ''pi day'' and what is it?

Pi Day is March 14. It is that day because it is 3-14 (the first 3 digits of pi). It is just a day to eat pie (the dessert) and celebrate pi (3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375...)

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