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Q: Why we shoulld not tease stray animals like dog and cat?
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Why do elders advice not to tease stray animals like cats and dogs?

Because they can carry disease that gets on you

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This shoulld be dilled with

Why is helping stray animals so important?

Well... I wouldn't say walking up to a stray animal is safe so, do you mean... "Why is helping animals important" but either way, animals aren't made in the way that we humans are so they aren't able to help theirselves like we are. So, helping (stray) animals is important because they aren't able to go to a grocery store and buy food that they need, they need someone to help them get what they need(hope that helped =}!-)

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Toucans seem to be fairly intelligent and social like crows and jays. When captive they can learn to do tricks and seem to tease other animals.

Does ASPCA kill animals?

Depends on whos dog it is (like a stray)and how sick it is like the dog is in merisey like in so much pain and sorrow that it has like a tumer or somthing

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Depends on whether you like him to tease you or not. It's your response that matters.

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Sometimes boys tease the girls that they like.

How do you get stray animals harvest moon ds?

Besides your own animals you will see various wild animals scattered around the Forget-Me-Not Valley. The wild animals are there just to add charm to the area. You can not own the animals as pets, and the animals do not indicate better fishing times like in A Wonderful Life.

How do huys tease there mates if they like a guy?

do you mean how do GUYS tease their mates if they like a guy? As in, try to get the guy they like to know they like them? Or make fun of them because they like a guy? be specific.

Why do people like stray dog in the society?

Anyone who wants a stray dog to roam the streets is not to be trusted.

Will a guy who likes you get angry if you tease him and flirt with him constantly?

don't tease that's not nice, but flirting is fine and he'll like it.