

Why wear layers of cloth during cool climate or winter?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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To stay Warm STUPID!

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Q: Why wear layers of cloth during cool climate or winter?
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they wore cloth made out of fur which keeps them warm during the winter

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Layers of furs

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The Delaware lived in a temperate climate and needed warm clothing for the winter. They wore deer skin moccasins and robes in the winter. The men wore a ?æbreech cloth, leggings, and a belt. The women wore a skirt and shirt. They loved beaded adornments on their clothing.?æ

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Aine O Connor stole the wedding cloth in Braveheart because she was cold and needed something to keep her warm during the long cold winter nights when Sir William isn't around to keep her warm.

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How can the market be segmented on the basis of climate?

yes, we can segment market on the basis of climate . like in cool areas there will is very less or no sale of Summer cloths or thin shirts, due to cold climate, so for cloth manufacturing industry , care should be taken while segmentation that either the climate of that region matches your cloth quality and cloth specialty .like in cold areas there is more sales of moisturising creams , face creams, cosmetics, and drinkables (less consumption of coldrinks) , etcso market can be segmented on the basis of the climate of that region.

What did slaves do during the winter months?

Slaves did a lot of things. They cooked and housed for their family. The slaves had to: -Chop/haul firewood -Slaughter and smoke meat -Weave and dye cloth -Spin yarn or thread -Sew/mend/wash clothes -Make houses or pans These are the amazing things that slaves had to do during the winter months.

Who wove their cloth?

Most women during American colonization times wove their own cloth.

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During the summer season,most people work in the fields. They grow rice,maize,rajme,vegetables,fruits and saffron.During the winter season,they stay at home and make handicrafts from wood and papiermache.Some weave silk and woolen cloth.

What is prayer cloth?

A prayer cloth is a piece of fabric that is used during prayer. It is often held by people who are praying for another person and then the cloth is given to them.

Who wove their own cloth during revolution?

Who wove their own cloth