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Q: Why were American colonists opposed to paying British taxes?
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Why did the colonists oppose British taxes?

The colonists opposed the taxes because they didn't get any benefits. The British were paying the Native Americans for American scalps if they went beyond the Appalachian Mountains. The British were forcing Americans to buy British goods even though the Dutch were willing to sell the same goods for a better price.

Why did the American colonists object to the taxes on British goods?

They objected to them because while they were paying taxes to the British Crown, the Pilgrims had no say in how the British Crown ruled them. It's a principal named "Taxation Without Representation".

Why were the American colonists upset about paying about taxes on sugar and the other goods to the British?

They didn't have representation.

How colonists show opposition to the sugar act?

they boycotted the idea and stopped paying taxes to the british

What was the colonists biggest objection to paying taxes to the British?

The taxes caused economic hardships for most colonists they did not want to be ruled by a nation that was so far away they did not elect members to parliament and so believed parliament had no right to tax them the money from taxes funded only british troops and not the american militia

Why did some American colonists object to paying taxes to Great Britain?

The colonies did not have representation in Parliament

What does the phrase no taxation without representation mean in the context of the American revolution?

The colonists were being taxed to pay off England's war debt for defending the colonists in the French and Indian Wars. However the colonists had no elected representatives in the English government, which had legislated for these taxes and the means of collection. The colonists were not automatically opposed to paying a tax that paid for them having been defended, but they wanted some say in the voting on such taxes.

Why was the south against the Henry clay's American system answer?

Because southerners opposed paying for roads and canals that brought no direct benefits and therefore opposed clays american system as a result. (:

Why did American colonists object to paying taxes imposed by parliament?

long live the riza 687 block

What did the colonists do about the qartering act?

even though Britain owed a very large amount of money from the french and Indian war, they also had to pay big time the colonies back for housing the soldiers throughout the war. The colonists started to get angry when they kept not paying up, and then the British not only tried to make THE COLONISTS pay for some with taxes, but made THE COLONISTS pay for british defense too.

Which action by the colonists could be categorized an an act of civil disobedience?

Placing restrictions on trade with Spain and France, Paying the stamp tax to British tax collectors, Firing guns at British soldiers at Lexington and Concord, Massachusetts, Colonists throwing British tea into Boston Harbor

Did all the American colonists dislike the British tax?

Nobody really likes paying taxes. The American colonies were taxed to help pay for Britain's European conflicts. Eventually, it came down to the colonies stating: No Taxation Without Representation. The rest is history, as they say.