

Why were Hatshepsut and iknaton unusual pharaohs?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Why were Hatshepsut and iknaton unusual pharaohs?
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Why are Hatshepsut and Amenhotep considered unusual rulers?

Ikhnaton or Akhenaten is especially noted for abandoning traditional Egyptian polytheism and introducing worship centered on the Aten, which is sometimes described as monotheistic or henotheistic. Hatshepsut was considered of that religion also.

Who are three important pharaohs?

Tutankamen, Khufu, Hatshepsut

Who are some Egyptian pharaohs?

hatshepsut, tutankhamen, and akenaten

How are Hatshepsut and Tutankhamun alike?

Both were ancient Egyptian pharaohs.

How was Hatshepsut both similar to and different from other Egyptian pharaohs?

They both had mostly guys except for Hatshepsut she was a girl

Were all ancient Egypt rulers men?

no, some pharaohs are woman like Cleopatra.

Did hatshepsut get education?

Yes, she was a pharaoh and all pharaohs were highly educated

What pharaohs where in the middle kingdom?

here are a few: hatshepsut thutmose 3

Can ancient Egypt's pharaohs be girls too?

Most Pharaohs were males but in some cases, there were female pharaohs including Cleopatra and Hatshepsut.

What are some of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs?

1. hatshepsut 2. tutankhamen 3. Akenaten

What was unusual about the region of Hatshepsut?

Hatshepsut was the first woman to rule as pharaoh. She expanded Egypts trade with other lands.

What was unusual about the region Hatshepsut?

Hatshepsut was the first woman to rule as pharaoh. She expanded Egypts trade with other lands.