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Because they disobeyed God (Elohim). There Fathers Father were the reason. God place the punishment on there children children. Oh yeaah remember the lady crying for Gods son Yeshua (Jesus) He told her don't cry for me but cry for your children children. He was letting her know His Father was going to punish them for there sins.

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Jews did not have a homeland before. They settled in different parts of the world and called that their homeland. There was not much problems for them until Hitler came along. He began to spread antisemitism throughout every European country he invaded with the Nazis. The Jews finally found a place to settle in and call home. They moved to Palestine (now Israel) and lived their lives there. Today, that is their Jewish state and their HOMELAND.

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The Roman Emperor Hadrian expelled the Jews from what had been the Roman provence of Judea after he crushed the Bar Kochba Revolt. Imperial Roman rule in the early first millennium was oppressive. At times, the hills around Jerusalem were cluttered with crucified Jews, all put to death in order to prevent revolt. This was not an effective pacification strategy, and there were two great revolts, one in the year 68 and one in the year 132, plus others. The Romans destroyed the Temple in the year 70, and after Hadrian put down the Bar Kochba revolt, he ordered all the Jews expelled from Judea, had Jerusalem completely destroyed, had a number of the leading rabbis executed, and renamed the province Palestinia. Hadrian's goal was to stamp out Judaism, which he saw as the root cause of the revolt, and force the assimilation of the surviving Jewish people into the general population.

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Q: Why were Jews expelled from their homeland?
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