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Q: Why were Virginia and New York important to the success of the Constitution and what convinced them to ratify?
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Which states were crucial to the Constitution's success?

The states that were crucial to the constitutions success were New York, Virginia, and North Carolina.

What helped the state New York to overcome its reluctance and ratify the constitution?

The assent of Virginia and of New York was seen as essential to the success of the Constitution.

On what 2 states did the success or failure of ratification depend?

Virginia and New York were the two states that the success or failure of ratification of the US Constitution depended on. The US Constitution was ratified on June 21, 1788.

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The Federalists believed that rejecting the Constitution could lead to political instability, disunity among the states, and potential conflicts between them. They argued that the Constitution provided a strong centralized government that would promote stability, protect individual rights, and ensure the country's success on the world stage.

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What is a key to the Constitution success?

to make the goals that they wrote in the preamble

What principle does the constitution's success rest upon?

The Separation of Powers

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People decided to remain in Virginia and govern themselves.

Who believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government?

Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a bill of rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.

Who believed that the addition of the bill of rights to the constitution was critical to the success of the new federal government?

Anti-Federalists believed that the addition of a Bill of Rights to the Constitution was critical to the success of the new Federal Government.