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Because they were inspirational for a beleagered nation to stand up to the enemy

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Q: Why were Winston Churchill's Speeches so much help to the allies?
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How did Winston Churchill's speeches help the country?

Winston Churchill's speeches inspired the British to continue to fight in World War II, even though they were being bombed daily by the Germans.

Did Winston Churchill send British troops to Russiain 1917 or during the Russian civil war to help destroy the Communists?

I do not know of British troops in Russia in 1917 or Churchills involvement therein. British troops were sent to northern Russia in the early 1920s.... As I say I do not know of Churchills part in this eneavour.

What do speeches help you on?

Writing speeches helps improve composition skills. Delivering speeches improves self confidence and poise. Listening to speeches is an excellent way to learn especially for auditory learners.

When German submarines started sinking British ships who asked the U.S. for help?

Yes, the above answer is correct. But I believe it was Winston Churchill's Rapport with the President of America, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, that led to the USA coming to the help of Britain and her Allies. At first it was lease-lend - helping with old ships, etc, but in return in Britain allowing America to set up facilities in British held territories. But, once Japan attacked Pearl Harbour, America were able to publically declare war - and America geared up to help Britain and the Allies in defeating Germany, and Japan.

Should Countries always help their allies during war?

Of course. They are allies and they help each other.

How has the US failed to help her allies since the Vietnam War?

The United States continues to help their allies, even going so far as to help the countries that are not their allies. The only times they do not interfere with what their allies are doing at the moment is when their allies expressively ask for the United States to stay out of their business.

How did the US help the Allies win battles?

The U.S. were part of the Allies.

What is one way lobbyist help lawmakers?

By writing speeches.

Winston Churchill contributions?

Winston Churchill's most important contribution was his inspirational leadership. He instilled the British people with the drive to fight. Winston Churchill also created a Grand Alliance with Russia in 1941 and created the War Cabinet to help expedite decisions and actions.

What is the benefit for a country to have allies?

It was good for a country to have allies because the allies would help your country out with war or rescourses

What are allies in Call of Duty?

allies are people from different places who help fight on your side

What is political allies?

Political allies are countries that help other countries in war or something.