

Why were few Jews allowed in the us?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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the Holocaust could not be predicted before the war, whilst Jew were allowed to emigrate, so no emergency act to allow refugees was deemed necessary.

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Q: Why were few Jews allowed in the us?
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What countries allowed Jews to immigrate?

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Examples * Jews were not allowed to work in the public sector * They were not allowed to work in the media or in theatres * They were banned from universities and colleges * Jewish physicians were only allowed to treat Jews * Jewish lawyers were only allowed to represent Jews * Sex between Jews and non-Jews was made illegal These are only a few examples.

Why weren't Jews allowed in Georgia?

Georgia (US State)Jews came to Georgia for peaceful lives and economic betterment.Georgia (Eurasian Country)The Jews arrived in Georgia because of the Jewish Diaspora migrations out of the Land of Israel and some Jews settled in what would become Georgia. In addition there were some Khazarian Jews that joined these small communities around 800-900 years later. There are very few Jews left in Georgia.

Are Jews allowed to date?

Of course Jews date.

Why weren't the Jews allowed to marry?

Jews were always allowed to marry, but not always able to practice their faith.

What are orthodox Jews allowed to do?

They're allowed to have sex.

Why were the Jews not allowed to play sports?

it is not true, Jews are allowed to play any sport they want to---The question ask were not are.

Are people of the Jewish faith allowed in Jordan?

There are no Jews living in Jordan, Jews aren't allowed citizenship in Jordan. Jews are allowed to travel to Jordan but these days there aren't a lot of Jewish visitors to that country.

What were the Jews not allowed to do during the war?

they were not allowed to leave the ghetto.

What are some food Jews are allowed to eat?

In Leviticus 11, God tells us what we are allowed to eat. Surprisingly, giraffe is kosher, because it has a split hoof and chews the cud.

Which countries allowed Jews?


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