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Morgan use fruit flies because they were cheap and reproduced quicky.

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Q: Why were fruit flies useful in Morgan's research?
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Why was thomas morgans work with fruit flies important?

It showed that the father played an important role in determining the sex-linked traits of offspring.

What are fruit flies studied for?

Fruit flies are used in research (usually genetic and reproduction research) because they are genetically similar to humans reproduce rapidly. That is they make several generations quickly. So, if the research want to see what will happen several generations after they make an experimental change, they are likely to use fruit flies.

What was Morgan's conclusion on fruit flies?

hes dead, does it matter? biology huh? lets entertain eatchother, heres a joke! ME: did i invite you to my BBQ YOU: no, why? ME: then why are you all you in my gril!?!?! tffw = to funny for word, i just made that up! spread it around!!

How do fruit flies get on fruit?

Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of the fruit, they fly to the fruit to get to it. There they breed and lay their eggs so some fruit flies are born on the fruit.

Do fruit flies become big flies?

No, they stay fruit flies.

Why are fruit fies an ideal organism for genetic research?

Fruit flies are prolific breeders, have 4 pairs of chromosomes, and have easily distinguishable chromosomes.

How do fruit flies infest fruit?

Fruit flies infest fruit by actually burrowing into the fruit, and laying their eggs inside of it. So when they hatch, the fruit flies then devour their environment

Are Drosophila flies harmful?

No, they are not. Drosophila melanogaster (common fruit flies) have been very helpful in genetic research. They are harmless, except that you do not want to take a chance that they will over-run you lab or your home. Also, technically, they are really "vinegar flies", although everyone calls them fruit flies. in other words, they like to lay eggs on rotting fruit, not fresh fruit like the med fly. thus not a danger to agriculture

Are you eating fruit fly larva when you eat fruit with fruit flies on it?

You probably are if female fruit flies were on it.

Why are fruit flies an ideal organism for organism research?

Drosophila(fruit flies) can produce plenty of offspring and have specific traits, such as eye color and body color/shape. They are easy to observe and therefore easily traced throughout the following generations.

Why are fruit flies an ideal organism for genetics research?

Drosophila(fruit flies) can produce plenty of offspring and have specific traits, such as eye color and body color/shape. They are easy to observe and therefore easily traced throughout the following generations.

What conclusions did Morgan arrive at with his experiment on fruit flies?

Morgan used fruit flies to study how genes were passed down from parent to child. He concluded from his research that they were passed through chromosomes, and used his data to create the first genetic map.