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Q: Why were many whites were also lynched in many states?
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Who might be targeted for lynching in the south?

Most of the time African Americans were targeted for lynching. They were lynched for a great many reasons. However, most of the time they were lynched because people were racial. In fact, only 6 states have no recorded lynching in there history and 9 states had no recorded African American lynchings. The reason that Caucasians were lynched were usually for political reasons. African Americans were usually lynched because they were accuse of rape, murder, theft or stealing. There was over 4,000 recorded cases of lynching in the US. In addition to the above, escaped slaves whose owner could not be located were also lynched. This occurred in the North long before the colonies were an established Colony by Great Britain.

How many African Americans were lynched in the us between 1882-early 1950's?

How many African Americans were lynched in the U.S. between 1882 and the early 1950's?

How many blacks were lynched during civil rights?

'Lynching, the practice of killing people by extrajudicial mob action'. (killing people without a process in law) 4743 people were lynched between 1882 and 1968. (my best answer, do not totally trust it)

In many states in the US whites and blacks were not permitted to marry This is an example of the rule of?

This is an example of the rule of segregation, which enforced racial separation and discrimination based on skin color. This practice was legally sanctioned in many states in the US until it was deemed unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in the case of Loving v. Virginia in 1967.

How many Jews were lynched in US history?

Leo Frank was at least one.

How do you use the word lynch in a sentence?

In the absence of courts on the frontier, many thieves and rustlers were lynched when caught. The Ku Klux Klan lynched dozens of men in the South to intimidate the black population.

Were there white people who were lynched in U.S. history and how many were they?

Yes, there were white people who were lynched in U.S. history, but the number is significantly lower compared to African Americans. Non-black individuals, including white people, were also targeted in instances of lynching motivated by factors such as religion, political beliefs, or associations with marginalized groups. The exact number of white individuals who were lynched is more difficult to determine due to limited historical documentation.

How many people have blue eyes in percentage?

In the United States, one out of every six whites have blue eyes.

How many slaves were lyunch?

it is unknown but in the 1900's during over 3000 African Americans were lynched

How many people get lynched every day?

only the coons so about 2 million a day for the KKK

Will your eye whites get brighter when you stop smoking?

Yes, many people have reported that the whites of their eyes have gotten brighter after they quit smoking. The color may also appear brighter.

What were some of the reasons why people were burned and lynched?

many people were lynched because of their race during the times of slaves. in europe, during the protestant reformation, people were burned or lynched because their beliefs were different from those of the Roman Catholic Church. During the Reign of Terror in France, people were killed for have even the slightest counterrevolutionary thought.those are only some of the reasons; many people have died through those means in the past