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Monks were not normally wealthy but their monasteries were.

For hundreds of years rich landowners had given property and gold to the monasteries and churches because they were told it would give them a better place in heaven.

Some had thriving businesses in mining and sheep at a time when wool was the most used fabric for clothes.

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Q: Why were monks wealthy in the medieval ages?
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Did people in the Medieval Ages usually travel?

Foot, horse, and if wealthy, boat.

How did medieval monks spread Christianity?

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Monks were around for every single year of the Medieval Age. There were also monks in late Roman times, and there are still monks in modern times. Monks have been around for a good long while, and not all of them were Medieval. * The Medieval Age lasted from the 5th Century to the 15th.

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What is a another name for the Middle Ages?

Dark Ages and\or Medieval Ages