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Q: Why were mosasaurs good predertors?
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When did mosasaurs live?

70 million years ago

How did the Ginsu Sharks die out before 65 million years?

Giant Mosasaurs ate and killed them.

Did mosasaurs live in the Jurassic or triassic or cretaceous?

They lived in the Late-Triassic and the Cretaceous, but disappeared through the Jurassic!

What eats full grown turtles?

Certain kinds of sharks and maybe killer whales do, and in the past, mosasaurs and plesiosaurs did.

Is there evidence of mosasaurs or pliosaurs giving birth or laying eggs?

An Aigialosaurus specimen was found with eggs developing inside of it. This is proof that mosasaurs did give birth to live young, which developed in eggs that the mother held in her body. Pliosaurs, also known as short necked plesiosaurs, also gave birth to live young.

What are three types of dinosaurs that live in Antarctica?

They include Ankylosaurs (the armored dinosaurs), Mosasaurs, and Plesiosaurs (both marine reptilian groups).

Are mosasaur still alive?

First of all there is no proof that mosasaurs existed so if they did exist, then no they would be dead due to change of water temperatures

Are plesiosaurs dinosaurs?

No. Plesiosaurs were marine reptiles, not dinosaurs. Saurichians were one of the two main groups of dinosaurs (which included sauropods - such as Apatosaurus - and theropods - such as T. rex).

What were the names of the swiming dinosaurs?

There were no ocean dwelling dinosaurs. Large marine reptiles that are often thought of as dinosaurs include plesiosaurs, pliosaurs, mosasaurs, and icthyosaurs.

Is there such thing as a lizard that lives in the water?

Yes, crocodiles, caimans, alligators, gavials, saltwater crocodiles, sea turtles, terapins, hellbenders, and marine iguanas, are some that live today. During the mesozoic era, many reptiles lived in the water, like plesiosaurs, placodonts, mosasaurs, sea turtles, nothosaurs, thalattosuchians ichthyosaurs, and more.

What is the most dangerous animal to ever live besides man?

It is probally the mosasaurs. During their times, it was the most dominant and succesful predator ever. Also, it was unkillable.