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Q: Why were most noble marriages in the Elizaethan time arranged?
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Why were most noble marriages arranged and even some for common people?

cause they want too.

What do people think of arranged marriages?

Most are very much against arranged marriages, at least in the Western world.

What religions engage the most in arranged marriages?

The Hebrews were very into arranged marriage but I don't know of any MODERN religions that are into arranged marriages. They silly if you ask me...

What about arranged marriages?

Arranged marriage are not always good. Most times the consent of the couple is not approved before the marriage.

Where do arranged marriages most exist?

In many countries and many cultures arranged marriages are the norm. In past centuries nearly all royals and nobles in Europe had arranged marriages. At present it seems to be mostly, but not exclusively, Muslim culture that is keen on arranged marriage and that happens also in countries that are not mainly Muslim, including in Britain.

Why are most of the marriages in India arranged marriages?

People primarily have arranged marriages because it is their cultural, social, or religious norm, especially in India.

Are you a fan of arranged marriage?

Personally, no.Arranged marriages are illegal in most western countries because they violate the Human Rights Act, which states everyone has the freedom of choice. Arranged marriages do not give people that freedom.

Why is most of the marriages in India arranged?

Because that 's the only way caste system can be maintained. Please see my full answer to this question at

Is there an age gap between a couple in marriage?

There can be, especially in arranged marriages, but most couples tend to be close in age.

Why do Muslims get arranged marriage?

Not all "Muslims" do. In the Middle East and Africa it is common. In places like America, most do not. It just depends on the family; many other cultures have arranged marriages and even Christians and Catholics have arranged marriages as well. These are very common in Asian cultures as well.

Were all marriages arranged?

Hard to say if you don't specify which countries you are talking about. Many cultures in the Middle East and Asia have arranged marriages, some of those nevertheless allow the girl to refuse proposed candidates. This however is a matter of custom. In practically all the countries where this happens you will find no trace in their laws legitimizing forced or arranged marriages. Western countries and most non-Islam African cultures allow free choice of partners and often require by law that no-one be married against his/her will.

Love marriages good or bad?

Marriages that started out with a couple in love can be good or bad, depending on the couple. Same thing goes for arranged marriages. And both have their advantages and disadvantages. Falling in love with someone can be the most wonderful feeling in the world, but if that person breaks your heart, it can also be the worst feeling in the world.