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Chinese inventions made life easier for farmers and made more grain available for trade. For example, a better plow and farm tools helped increase crop production. The invention of a collar harness allowed horses to pull heavy loads. The wheelbarrow made it easier for farmers to move heavy loads by hand. Watermills used river power to grind grain. In a land of mostly farmers, these inventions were valuable.

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Q: Why were most of the early Chinese inventions related to agriculture?
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Why were most of early Chinese inventions related to agriculture?

Chinese inventions made life easier for farmers and made more grain available for trade. For example, a better plow and farm tools helped increase crop production. The invention of a collar harness allowed horses to pull heavy loads. The wheelbarrow made it easier for farmers to move heavy loads by hand. Watermills used river power to grind grain. In a land of mostly farmers, these inventions were valuable.

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Most early inventions, particularly involving agriculture, originated in the Middle East: the rake, the hoe, the shallow plow, the scythe, the yolk, and others, probably had their origins in the Middle East.

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1. A variety of new technology have greatly improved peoples lives. 2.some of the most important early inventions were in AGRICULTURE.

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Plow and irrigation system

Why was agriculture important to early humans?

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the development of agriculture change the way of early people lived because they grow their own food

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