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Growing stuff is one place turned out to be a much more efficient way to get food than hunting and gathering. This meant that populations grew, and that people had time over to spend on art and inventions.

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Q: Why was agriculture important to early humans?
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Which most directly helped early humans develop agriculture?

The domestication of plants and animals, leading to the development of agricultural practices, was the key factor that helped early humans transition to farming. This involved selecting and breeding plants and animals for desirable traits, ultimately allowing for the cultivation of crops and the raising of livestock. Early humans also learned to manipulate their environment through techniques such as irrigation, which facilitated agricultural development.

Was agriculture a development in early man?

Yes, agriculture was a significant development in early human societies as it allowed for a shift from a nomadic lifestyle to settled communities. The domestication of plants and animals for food production provided a stable food source, leading to population growth and the development of civilizations.

Why are agriculture important?

So that humans can have food, feed, fuel, and fiber.

Where was farming and the wheel invented?

The wheel was made by the Sumerians in Mesopotamia. Early humans discovered agriculture (farming)

Why is Africa and important continent in the history of early humans?

-because thats where humans evolved

Why were the first people nomads?

Early humans were nomadic because they were constantly in need of food and water. This changed with the development of agriculture.

What is the name of an important early discovery which is useful still now?

Depends how early you mean, but the discovery of fire was the first very important discovery for man, then their was the wheel, and also agriculture.

What was one reason why groups of early humans rarely stayed in one place for very long?

Some early humans were nomadic because they did not know anything about agriculture and they had to follow the food (buffalo, deer, etc...) where ever it moved to.

Why did early humans become sedentary?

Early humans became sedentary as they discovered the benefits of settling in one place, such as access to reliable food sources, protection from predators, and the ability to establish more permanent shelters. This transition also allowed for the development of agriculture, leading to the growth of civilizations.

Why were river system important in supporting early in civilizations and in helping them flourish?

They provided water for irrigation and agriculture.

Why was the develpement of technology important to early humans?

becaues ur stupied

What important discoveries were made in cactus hill?

They found the early humans.