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the question suggests that the Nazis killed Jews for weakness, this does not make sense, weakness was not a cause. Please rephrase.

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Q: Why were nazis so willing to kill the jews?
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The only two races that the Nazis tried to kill were the Jews and the 'Gypsies, so there is no A-Z. mentally ill, homosexuals

Why Jews pay to the Nazis?

This question is incomplete. Please indicate what it is "Jews pay to the Nazis" so we can tell you why. Thanks for using answers com and wikianswers.

Did Hitler kill six million Jews just because they were powerless?

Hitler was a German Dictator. Also leader of the Nazi Party. The Nazis' had hatred for Jews. Hitler didn't just kill them because they were powerless. He despised them so much. Most Jews might have been powerless but they fought back.

Why wasn't the Holocaust so bad?

In whose opinion? The Nazis or the Jews?

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I think the final solution waned to kill the Jewish people because they didn't really like Jewish and they may think the Jewish did something do with them or they did something to them really bad my name is jessica renea tilley

Why did the Nazis send people who were different to concentration camps?

because hitler thought that the people or jews were not of an perfect race so he would send them to concentration camps to maliciosly kill them

Why were large gas chambers preferred in concentration camps?

So the Nazis could kill more Jews each day. Some extermination camps killed between 3,000-5,000 Jews every day, and then burned the bodies.