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Kansas didn't become a slave-state.

The issue was put to a local vote, and terrorists from both sides invaded the state to try to intimidate the voters.

After much violence ("Bleeding Kansas"), it became clear that quite a big majority wanted it to be a free state.

It was the South that was upset.

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Q: Why were northerners upset when Kansas became a slave state?
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Why did northerners and southerns go to Kansas after the Kansas-Nebraska act?

So the region would become a slave-free state

Where did bleeding Kansas occur?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

Why was kansas called the bleeding state?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

Bloody Kansas was the result to what?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

How did the Northerners react to the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

The Abolitionists thought it was terrible, because it could allow new slave-states. Other Northerners thought it was a reasonable solution to the slave-debate, but did not see the flaw - one state voting at a time would attract every bully-boy from both sides to intimidate voters. Hence 'Bleeding Kansas'.

Explain how and why bleeding Kansas became a dress rehearsal for the Civil War?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act provided for each new state to vote whether to be slave or free. When Kansas became the first state to vote, every bully-boy in America descended on Kansas, to intmidate the voters, either one way or the other. It was called 'Bleeding Kansas'.

How did the kansas-nebraska act cause bleeding kansas?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

Was kansas a slave state or free state?

it was a free state >3

Why Northerners against annexing Texas?

They did not want another slave state.

What was popular soverighty and how dif it affect kansas?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

What issues started the violent in the Kansas territory?

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 called for "popular sovereignty." The decision about slavery was to be made by the settlers in Kansas rather than by outsiders. The decision as to whether Kansas would become a free state or a slave state would be decided by the votes of people in Kansas. Whichever side had more votes counted by officials would decide if Kansas would become a free state or a slave state. Kansas became a hotbed of violence and chaos as free state and slave state forces collided.

When was Kansas born?

Kansas became a free state on January 29, 1861, the 34th state, after seven years of bloody feuding between residents over whether to be admitted as a slave or free state.