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Fruit Oranges actually aren't named after the colour. That's a very common mistake people make.
The colour orange is actually named after the fruit. Previously, the colour that we now recognise as orange was called geoluread.

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The color was named for the fruit when Europeans came across them. Originally the color had been called geoluhread (yellow-red).

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It's the opposite - the fruit was named first and the color after the fruit.

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Q: Why is the fruit orange named after a colour?
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Is the fruit orange named after the colour orange?

No, oranges are not named after the colour. The colour orange is actually named after the fruit.Before then, the colour orange was called geoluread (yellow-red).

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If an orange is called an orange why isn't a lemon called a lemon?

An orange is not called an orange because it is the colour orange. The name of the fruit was give to the orange, and the name of the colour was adapter by the colour of the fruit. (WikiAnswerers, do not remove what I have wrote because you think something is right. I base my answers on facts only.)

Is the color Orange named after the fruit or the fruit named after the color?

The name for the fruit was used back in the 1300's while the colour orange dates a couple of hundred years later in the 1500's. ---->added by PufferFish31> I think it had something to do with the Duke Of Orange or something along those lines. (I tuned my grangmother out while she was explaining it.) ;3

What was named first the color orange or the fruit orange?

Wikipedia:The colour is named after the orange fruit, introduced to Europe via the Sanskrit word nāranja. Before this was introduced to the English-speaking world, the colour was referred to (in Old English) as geoluhread, which translates into Modern English as yellow-red.

What fruit is named after its colour?

orange, plum, apricot, peach, lime

How did orange juice get its name?

It's juice made from Oranges. Hence Orange Juice. The colour was named for the fruit. Before the English-speaking world was exposed to the fruit, the colour was referred to as geoluhread(yellow-red) in Old English and Middle English.

How do you spell the word orange in German?

Orange (colour or fruit)orApfelsine (fruit only)

When was the orange considered a fruit?

Yes an Orange is a berry. Every Berry is a type of fruit, but a berry is defined by if it is created from one single ovary. *The orange fruit is a hesperidium, a type of berry.* - the tomato, also a berry.

What is orange in Swedish?

The fruit is Apelsin. The colour is the same, Orange.

Are oranges called oranges because they are orange in color or is the color orange called orange because oranges are orange in color?

The colour orange hasn't always had its own name, as it used to just be a shade of red. I would say that the colour orange was named after the fruit, as it has been around longer than the colour itself has been individual.

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