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Q: Why were people in the Elizabethan period superstitious?
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What did people think about jealousy in Elizabethan times?

the taught she was on her period

How many people died during the Elizabethan period?

the number is unknown

When did Elizabethan superstition start to fade?

I would say the Victorian Era. People were still superstitious then, but due to industrialization and science booming, people began to believe more in science than in religion (and superstition). From that point onward, superstitions began to fade away. Of course, in certain parts of the world people are still superstitious.

How would you say arent in Elizabethan times?

If you mean to describe a time that was not Elizabethan, you could refer to the time before or after the Elizabethan era, such as the Tudor period or the Stuart period.

What happened to English theater during the Elizabethan period?

Answer this question… . More people attended plays.

Is there anything superstitious in world?

No. People are superstitious, not things.

What do you mean by Elizabethan period?

This is the time period when Queen Elizabeth I was the monarch.

The classical period of English literature?


Do superstitions only happen to superstitious people?

No, when there are no superstitions with scientific proof how is it possible for superstitious people.

In what historical period was shakespeare living?

The Elizabethan Period

What was the Elizabethan period like?

The Elizabethan period was between 1558 up to 1603. It was the golden age in English history and the height of the English Renaissance with flowering English poetry, literature, and music.

Which period of british history came first?
