

Why were people oblivious to the Holocaust?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Many weren't. It was that they couldn't do anything about it, they would be killed if they tried to resist. The Allies new and were fighting to stop this treatment.

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Use oblivious in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He was oblivious to the effect of his remark.She was oblivious to the danger.They were oblivious to the approaching tornado.

People who dont believe in the Holocaust?

People who do not believe that the holocaust took place are known as 'holocaust deniers.'

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The prefix for "oblivious" is "ob-".

Who were the second people attacked by the Holocaust?

The Holocaust did not and could not attack people.

How do you use oblivious in a meaningful sentence?

Oblivious means totally unaware. Here are some sentences.He was oblivious to Jim's feelings.The oblivious pedestrian stepped right into traffic.Kevin tried to attract Lisa's attention, but she was totally oblivious.

How many people live in the Holocaust?

The Holocaust is not a place.

Did women fight in the Holocaust?

No one fought in the holocaust. People died in the holocaust. People killed people in the holocaust. There was no fighting by men or women....but jsut because there was no fighting, don't think it was peaceful.

What was the outcast of the Holocaust?

the outcast of the holocaust was that millions people were killed and thousand of people was traumatised

Who were the suviours of the holocaust?

They were people who suffered during the Holocaust and lived after it.