

Why were people put on the earth?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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11y ago

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The preponderance of scientific evidence shows that human beings evolved from lower forms of life that developed on planet earth over millions of years and that the only ascribable goal of that life is to survive and reproduce. There is no evidence that the human race was intentionally placed here for a specific purpose.

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earth. if you put more people the earth will get crowded

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God made Adam and Eve out of dust and bones.

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Opinions vary.

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Because God put them there. That's the way he wanted it, so there's nothing you can do about it. You shouldn't complain about it, either.

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because people are having babies and people are getting saved (saved-believing in the lord) and relizaing you know i need to have babies that is one reason God put me on the earth

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Eve was not the only woman on earth. Adam and Eve were only the first people on Earth. If Cain had to be put a mark of protection on, then who did he need to be protected from. There were probably other people. Who knows, Eve could have done it with Cain.

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He is the son of God, put on the earth to teach people how to live their life according to God's plan.

When will God come back to save us?

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