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Q: Why were reservations bad to live on?
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Do Cheyenne Indians live on reservations?

yes the Cheyennes live a a reservations

Are the Iroquoians still alive today?

Yes, the descendents of the iroqua still live today on reservations (srry for bad grammer)

How do paiute Indians live today?

They live on reservations. Reservations are places where the Indians now live, because the government kicked them off.

American Indians were forced to live on?

Yes they were forced to live on reservations. The Americans still made them move even after that.

Where do indans live?

on reservations or Indian decedents live anywhere

What best describes the situation of native American's at the end of the Indian wars?

They forced to moved west or north or to live on reservations

The Iroquios lived in what is now?

they live to reservations

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The Navajo reservation

Why did Plains Indians refuse to live on reservations?

In Native Americans of the Plains did not want to live on reservations because they destroyed their way of life. Living on the reservations did not allow the freedom that they had when living on the Plains chasing the buffalo in a nomadic lifestyle.

Why did the U.S. want native Americans to live on reservations?

The US wanted Native Americans to live on reservations because the US took away their land they were like this and this is our land and the Native Americans somewhere to live so they gave them reservations were they could make their own laws

Which reservation do the inuit tribe live today?

which reservations do Inuit live today

When did native Americans order to live on reservations?

in 1886.