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Q: Why were slaves allowed to vote in the south before the civil war?
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Related questions

What percentage of the south's total population was slaves before the civil war?

About a third

How many slaves lived in the south were living in the decade before the civil war?

About 4 million.

Were American slaves allowed to join the military?

Freed slaves served in the American Revolution, The War of 1812 and the Civil War. The First South Carolina Volunteer Infantry Regiment was the first Union regiment formed with freed slaves in the Civil War.

What are 2 reasons why blacks were not allowed to be in the army during civil war?

Actually, the South brought their black slaves with them to fight in the war. So it is false that they weren't allowed to fight.

What describes slavery in the South before the US Civil War?

A large majority of people did not own slaves. Most slave owners had few slaves.

Which best describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?

describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?

Did the slaves during the civil war were allowed learn and write?

In some places yes. The Northern states allowed blacks a free life. In the South it was considered "illegal" for blacks to learn or write.

When the civil war began what were the south's advantages?

They had slaves.

What rights did slaves have in the South after 1820?

By definition, a slave has no rights. This was certainly true in the South from 1820 (and long before) until emancipation at the end of the Civil War.

Why did the south think that they should have stay the same way they where before the civil war and after the civil war?

Because they wanted the slaves to do all the work but without getting paid so it was cheap. And the money they collected from trading slaves.

What was the south like?

in the civil war in the south there waz a lot of slaves note the south is HORRIBLE MEAN AND SELFISH for having slaves and i am latin

In what ways did the slaves' lives stay the same after the civil war?

During Reconstruction, many black slaves stayed in the South after the Civil War. With the exception of being enslaved, they were often treated the same as they had before they were freed. Slaves who migrated to the North were on the whole treated better.