

Why were telescopes invented?

Updated: 10/18/2022
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14y ago

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Anything that is invented to help view different aspects of science has a reason.
The telescope is a tool that helps us zoom into objects and view things in a zoomed way, something we could not do with our naked eyes. So, the telescope, told us about particles, bacteria, planets and everything that we can not see with our naked eyes alone. So, without telescopes, we would not be able to know what makes up sick etc.

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Q: Why were telescopes invented?
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What year were telescopes invented?

The telescope was invented in 1608 by Hans Lippershey.

Were telescopes invented in the 1700s?

yes how were they to study the stars

Who invented refracting telescopes?

Hans lippershey by:bryce

How do early astronomers use telescopes?

The telescope wasn't invented until about 1604, so "early" astronomers had no telescopes.

What century were the first space telescopes invented in?

the 17th century

Where we're the first telescopes invented?

The first telescopes actually came from China. Galileo of Italy perfected a telescope in the 1600's.

What country was the telescope discovered?

Telescopes were invented in the Netherlands in the 17th century.

How long have humans used telescopes?

We know the telescope was invented by 1608 and soon many people, for example Galileo, were using telescopes. There is some evidence of earlier telescopes, but we aren't certain about that. So, humans have been using telescopes for about 400 years.

How have telescopes changed since they were invented?

They have changed because now there is a telescope in space called the "Hubble". I can see things that regular telescopes on Earth cannot see.

Who was the inventor of the x ray telescope?

I heard that there were 3 guys who invented it but the name is not coming to my mind

Where was the first reflecting telescope invented?

it back to the time of newton about 400 years back, newton first invented reflecting telescopes!