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There were many more than two alliances formed after World War 2. The most important for Europe were probably the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) formed by the western democracies, and the Warsaw Pact, formed by the Soviet Union and its European allies.

In addition there were alliances such as

  • SEATO, the Southeast Asia Treaty Organization
  • ANZUS, an alliance among the US, Australia, and New Zealand
  • the Rio Pact, Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
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Q: Why were the 2 military alliances formed after World War 2?
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What was the most dangerous result of the alliances between the Great Powers in the lead up to world war 1?

Before World War I, the various alliances in the Balkan region led to it being called the Powder Keg of Europe. Rampant nationalism created a volatile, dangerous situation which culminated in the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, resulting in the first World War.

How did world war 2 lead to expansion of the federal government?

New departments of the US Government were started as a result of World War 2. The Veterans Administration was put into place to carry out the benefits of the GI bill and to handle retirees of the military branches. VA hospitals were started too. An Air Force was started and reorganization of the military branches to accommodate women as service persons was instigated too. In 1941 ground was broken for the development of the US Pentagon to bring all the administrations of all branches of the military together. The SEA BEEs were formed during World War 2 and this expanded the military and government departments more. Another department formed was the Atomic Energy Commission. NASA became an administration which was the result of a dream of German Scientist/ Physicist Braun. He had been part of the team that designed and built the V2 Rockets during World War 2.

What helped turned World War 1 into a global war?

The system of Alliances in Europe set the stage for the catastrophe of the World War I. It was the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand that pushed the Central and Allied powers into open and ultimately devastating war.

What country had the enigma machine?

Germany used an enigma machine to encipher and decipher messages before World War II, and with military operations during the War.

Is America a nation state?

You probably mean the League of Nations. It was formed after World War I (1914-18) to prevent wars from occurring. It is seen as the forerunner of today's United Nations. The League of Nations was based in Geneva, Switzerland, which had been neutral. A key component was the open discussion and negotiation between nations -- in sharp contrast to the secret alliances that existed before World War I.

Related questions

What military alliances were formed during the Gulf war?

There were no alliances; the USSR monitored (supported) Iraq and the US (monitored/supported) Iran during the war (1980-1988).

When were the alliances formed in world war 1 adn what was the purpose of it?

The alliances were formed in 1914. However the purpose of them was so that the countries who were alliances could be there for one another if the other country was attacked.

Why were alliances formed World War 1?

to make sure they wouldnt be invade by enemies

Why was alliances started before wold war 1?

Alliances have always been a part of European politics. Initially between church and state, but as countries became more independent, alliances were formed between them. Alliances are always formed for the same reason, to achieve a "balance of power" whether it be military or economic.

Is it true or false the Asian military alliances were responsible for the outbreak of World War 1?


What important was made as a result of the alliances formed before world war i?

A German- Austrian was formed to protect Germany against Russia.

How did military alliances draw countries into World War 1?

emotional blackmail emotional blackmail what do you mean

What important decision was made as a result of the alliances formed before world war i?

A German- Austrian was formed to protect Germany against Russia.

What factor contributed to the outbreak of World War 1?

Militarism, alliances, Imperialism, and nationalism European countries entered into military alliances that required them to protect one another from attacks. This led to escalation as more countries were drawn into the war.

What alliance formed after World War 2?

The Warsaw Pact was a military alliance, formed after WWII.

What are the names of the two military alliances that battled each other during World War 2?

Allies and axis powers.

What was going on in war world 2?

World War 2 was a global military conflict lasting from 1939 to 1945 which involved most of the world's nations, including all of the great powers, organised into two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis.