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They sued Georgia because by Georgia trying to remove them from thier land they were performing a un-constitutional act.

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Q: Why were the Cherokees allowed to stay in Georgia longer than the Creeks?
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A child is no longer a minor in Georgia when he or she turns 18.

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It is a blockade in the union on the outside of Georgia basically stating that Georgia could no longer import or export goods and materials.

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A felon is no longer allowed to legally carry a firearm.

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No, people are no longer hanged in Canada. Canada no longer has a death penalty.

Describe the removal of the Choctaws and the Cherokees?

The Choctaws didn't have enough tents , shoes , food , blankets and winter clothes . heavy rain and snow caused enormous suffering. they walked for 24 barefoot through the show and ice before reaching shelter. The Cherokees held out a few years longer. they were forced to march hundreds of miles. they had little food and shelter. Many did not survive. Of 15,000 cherokees who began the trip , 4,000 died along the way.

Why was Georgia no longer considered a royal colony in 1776?

Under royal control the colony of Georgia changed rapidly. Slaves were imported, and cotton and rice plantations were established. And Georgia prospered

When is a child no longer considered a minor in GA?

{| |- | Once the age of majority is reached, they are no longer a minor. In Georgia, the age is 18. At that point the parents are no longer responsible for the child. |}